Kumkumadi Tailam
- It is believed to work by deeply nourishing the skin, improving complexion, and reducing dark spots.
- Providing anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
- Saffron, in particular, is known for its skin-brightening properties, while other ingredients help to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
- When applied regularly, Kumkumadi oil can help promote healthy, radiant skin.
Each gram is prepared with the following herbal extracts:Crocus sativus flower pollen grains (Saffron, Kumkuma), Santalum album wood (Srigandha),Citrullus colocynthis fruit (Cucumber), Pterocarpus santalinus wood (Raktha chandanam),Curcuma longa rhizome (Haridra, Turmeric), Ocimum sanctum leaves (Tulasi), Acoruscalamus rhizome (Vacha), Vetiveria zizanioides roots (Usira), Rubia cordifolia stem (Manjista), Symplocus recemosa bark (Lodhra), Glycyrrhiza glabra stem (Yastimadhu),Berberis aristata wood (Daru haridra), Cinnamomum zeylanicum leaves (Tawk) etc in Olea europaea seed oil (Olive) base.
HOW TO USE :Wash face with warm Soap water and allow it to dry. Apply Syndy Kumkumadi Tailam 2 to 3 times to the face gently. Use Syndy Kumkumadi Tailam in the morning and evening to produce optimum result.
30ml in Frosted dropper glass bottle.