Purifin capsules

  • Purifin Capsules deliver active ingredients directly to affected skin areas, ensuring targeted treatment.
  • It inhibits the growth of Fungus thus controlling further infection.
  • It aids in purifying the blood, addressing systemic factors contributing to skin infections.


Each 200 mg capsule is filled with : Purified Sulphur : 100 mg. Aloe barbadensis (Kumari) : 050 mg. Azadiracta indica (Neem, Vepa) : 050 mg.

Indications :

Eczema, Fissured skin, Acne vulgaris, Scabies, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Seborrheic dermatitis, Lupus erythematosus.


One capsule per day can be used 4 to 6 months according to the nature of the disease in all chronic complaints. Or as per the Physicians advice.


60 Capsules packed in White HDPE container.

Designed by Syndy Life Science Pvt. Ltd.