Sularin AP

Natural way to drive out all digestive disturbances

In order to facilitate good digestive health, you can do many things naturally. Eating plenty of fresh vegetables, whole grains that are high in fiber, drinking water, getting plenty of rest, exercising regularly and lowering stress are all steps in the right direction. Using herbs to help digestion and prevent digestive problems from becoming chronic can also be a natural way to optimize your health.

There are many different herbs for digestion, and if you are currently suffering from digestive problems, there are three main areas that need to be addressed in order to get back on the road to good digestive health. These are: Cleansing and healing the intestinal tract, boosting the immune system, and improving absorption and digestion.

Each 15 ml. is prepared from 45 mg of aqueous extract of the following herbs :

Zingiber officinalis (Adrak), Piper longum (Pippali), Piper nigrum (Marichi), Plumbago nzeyulanicum (Chitraka), Ferula foetida (Hinguva), Anderographist paniculata (Kalmegh), Suraksharam, RockSalt (Saindhavalavanam), and 5 mg of Carum couticum (Thymol), Sodium Benzoayte (as Presabervative) in flavored Syrup base.


General weakness, Nervousness, Calcium deficiency Dyspepsia, Vertigo, Angina pectoris, Loss of appetite, Nephrotic syndrome, Spermatorrhea, Convalescence of all types after viral fevers.

  • Sularin AP relieves gas (flatulence) and cramps in abdomen and relives Colic and bowl disorders.
  • Sularin AP prevents indigestion and flatulence their by relives abdominal discomfort.
  • Sularin AP accelerates digestive secretions and assimilation process.
  • Sularin AP ensures free bowl movements and prevents dyspepsia & Constipation.
  • Sularin AP works as a powerful carminative and digestive.

1 to 2 tea spoonful twice or thrice a day with water or as directed by the Physician.

Designed by Syndy Life Science Pvt. Ltd.